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Dr Pamela Cornish - an Albuquerque Acupunturist

Wellness Savvy Classes

"Practice Health Care, Not Just Sick Care!"

These classes are Dr. Cornish’s "love letter" to Albuquerque, expressing gratitude for supporting her Natural Therapies Clinic since 1987.  These non-profit classes teach how to use natural remedies and protocols to get well and stay well, without resorting to drugs and surgery as the first choices. Individuals, families, and businesses thrive tremendously by incorporating these concepts in their daily regimens. 

natural therapies - Albuquerque acupuncturist

 Virtual Bibliotherapy 

Reading of Dr. Selzer's First Meeting with Dr. Yeshi Dhonden

Reading of "I was in Love with a Tree that Swallowed the Sky,” by Laura Hillenbrand

Morning Relaxation Technique


When I was 7 years old, my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Weightman, gave us handouts to color, with pictures of “Children of Many Lands.”  First, I colored the Dutch girl, with her special cap, and wooden shoes.  Then I colored the Japanese girl, with her parasol and kimono.  I told Mrs. Weightman, “I am going to meet everyone of these people.”  And thus began my lifelong pleasure in immersing myself in international pen pals, geography, history, and travel.  Travel is my love language.  Marcel Proust wrote, “We travel not to see new lands, but to see our homes with new eyes.”

There are 196 countries.  As of June, 2024, I have been to or lived in only 67 of those countries.  Sounds like a lot, but it’s only a little more than 1/3 of what’s possible.  I used to think I would get to all the countries by teaching Shakespeare, like I did when I lived in China.  But now, my modus operandi is by doing my Medical Missions.  I share healthcare modalities with other Natural Practitioners worldwide.  I might teach in a university, conduct seminars for physicians, or work in clinics. Natural Healing is the same globally, with slight cultural tweaks.  This is what I live for!  Teaching and learning in this milieu is the “pilot light of my soul.”  Sometimes the host or sponsor transports me, feeds me, houses me, and/or pays me. Sometimes the blanks are filled in with my philanthropic contributions.

Initially, decades ago, I traveled to South America with a Catholic-sponsored organization, to work in an Ecuadorian hospital in the mountains outside of Quito.  From this experience, I learned that I prefer to work independent of bureaucracy.  So, after that, opportunities found me via word of mouth.  These connections have led me to meet with a Fijian Village Medicine Priest, an Equine Dentist in New Zealand, a Feng Shui Practitioner in Australia, Nutritionists in Sweden, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in Norway, for example.  If you know of a Natural Practitioner who would like to share healthcare modalities with me, please introduce me to him or her.  I can offer info on Oriental Medicine (acupuncture needles, herbs, food therapy, deep internal energy exercise, feng shui and bodywork), Natural Medicine (herbs and bodywork), Acutonics, Pharmaceutical Grade Young Living Essential Oils, Craniosacral Therapy, Core Synchronization, Zyto Scan, and Omnis Biomedical Device, to name a few.

Other Opportunities

Seminars for Business, Groups and Organizations
Public Speaking
Bibliotherapy — Yes, I read to my patients and clients!
Stories, Quotes and Poetry

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Natural Therapies
Pamela Cornish, DOM, NP

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